Connecting during COVID

To my clients: 

If only words could express the experience of the past week, and the scary, unsettling, seemingly overwhelming things we are called upon to face together.

Like you, I too have been grappling with ground-shifting changes, and with the many emotions that have flowed, one after the other. 

One of the big changes in my world has been that all of my services have moved online to video or phone session. I know, it’s different. It might feel awkward. The cat might commandeer the camera, the kids may argue in the background…it’s not the same as in-person sessions. I hear you. We don’t always like different. I myself miss witnessing the beauty of people face-to-face. But at a time when distance means safety, I am so grateful for a way to connect with you until it is safe again to meet in person. I view this as a way to be more real, and to extend more grace to each other in a time when grace is so badly needed. 

Times like this bring different things up for different people. The responses are as varied as the people affected by it. There is no one “right” way to move from here to there. Honor what comes up for you. Just as you feed your body what nourishes it, feed your soul what it craves. If your soul craves peace, turn off the news and go for a walk, do some yoga, do a meditation, smudge, or play calm music through the house. If you crave a break from the topic of COVID, set those boundaries! If you crave normalcy, create a routine. If you crave fun, make it happen!

Remember hope. It is alive and well. Look for the good news. Pay attention and breathe into the small moments of beauty in your day. I promise they are there! Listen carefully to the life-giving lessons, the voice of wisdom that rises from deep within yourself. Take that as a sign that you will make it through this, and you will emerge stronger and deeper. 

Stay connected to your friends and family. Human connection is still the most powerful medicine for our hearts.  Have tea time with others on video. Cuddle and spend time with those who are close. Remember that when everything else falls away, the quality of our connections with others is what matters most. 

If you would like to connect, whether you would like to talk about current world events, or something entirely unrelated, I am still here for you. If you would like to check in, but are not up to having a full session, I am currently offering free 15-minute mental-health check-ins, available to anyone. Feel free to refer a friend my direction for a check-in if they need some support.

If your income is affected by COVID and you need a fee adjustment, please contact me directly.

My scheduling page is available for check-ins, and phone or video sessions. And as always, feel free to text or call to schedule.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for giving me the privilege of walking alongside you. I will contact you to let you know when therapy may resume as normal. 

Until then, peace to you all – 
