Family Therapy

Family life is downright complicated. There, I said it. Families have a lot of moving parts. Kids are constantly growing and changing, which brings so much joy but also so many challenges. Parents and caregivers are juggling the demands of adulthood while life rushes at what often feels like a breathtaking pace. At one time it seems it was simpler. But with each person’s different personality, needs, and demands, it takes a lot to keep things running smoothly and keep everyone happy. Then when challenges arise or tragedy strikes it can threaten to completely overwhelm us. It’s a helpless feeling to watch your family struggle and not know how to fix it.

Maybe you’re wondering “What are we doing wrong?” “How are we going to get through this?” “What can I do to help my family feel ‘together’ again?”

There is hope.

I will work with your family to restore balance, give you tools to help you through difficult times, and strengthen the ties that bind you together. I work from the viewpoint that attachment and connection are the foundation of healthy family relationships. Families are like gears in a clock, with each member playing a vital part, and functioning relative to the others. I work to strengthen the family as whole, so you can enjoy healthy relationships and be an effective support system for each other.

I work with families who are experiencing the following issues:

  • children’s behavior issues
  • divorce
  • parenting
  • coparenting
  • step parenting and blended families
  • addiction
  • trauma history
  • death and loss
  • grief
  • adoption
  • adhd
  • anger management
  • anxiety
  • depression
  • life transitions
  • substance use
  • abuse history
  • sexual abuse
  • family conflict
  • eating disorder
  • codependency
  • school issues
  • oppositional defiance
  • self esteem
  • self-harming
  • Sports Performance
  • spirituality/religious concerns
  • stress
  • LGBT+ issues
  • sexuality concerns
  • video game addiction
  • PTSD

To take the next step in seeing me for family therapy, please book an appointment using the form below, or CONTACT  me to see if working together is the right fit for you. I look forward to hearing from you.