Mindful Moments

Self Care

You can’t pour from an empty cup. Relaxing, refilling, and rejuvenating are an important part of mental and emotional health. Here are 50 ideas for practicing self care: take a walk take a relaxing bath start an indulgent post-shower ritual play with a pet read a book be creative – draw, paint, build, or color … Continue reading Self Care

Mindful Self Compassion Guided Meditations

Self Compassion Break (5 min) Soften, Sooth, Allow (15 minutes) Noting Your Emotions (18 min) Self Compassion Meditation (20 min) Loving Kindness Meditation (20 min) Compassionate Body Scan (24 min) Affectionate Breathing (21 min)

Mindful Self Compassion Exercises

Listed below are Kristin Neff’s exercises for Self Compassion. I encourage you to approach these with gentle curiosity and noticing. These exercises are not so much an assignment, but more of a contemplative labryinth to be worked through at a pace that is comfortable for you. Don’t forget to breathe, and take gentle notice of … Continue reading Mindful Self Compassion Exercises