What is Brainspotting?

I’m very excited to be able to bring Brainspotting into my practice. I pursued Brainspotting training because I’d been noticing that sometimes clients hit a sort of therapeutic plateu, and we can’t seem to move beyond a certain point. It felt that healing was just out of reach and we couldn’t quite access the source of the problem. I wanted to find a treatment tool that would help us access the experiences, emotions and beliefs stored deeper in the brain that regular talk therapy couldn’t reach. Since then, I’ve learned that Brainspotting has countless applications, all geared toward restoring wholeness through the brain-body connection. Brainspotting, like EMDR, gives us access to core parts of the brain, and can bring resolution and healing at a deeper level. While the name may sound intimidating, it is a gentle, non-invasive, and client-led process. I’m confident and so very excited and grateful about its usefulness as a healing tool to help along the journey.


To learn more, please visit: http://brainspotting.com